CNPS: 0 (5)
The muggyness of the last few days seems to be over, at least for now. I'm enjoying the freshness.
Down and apprehensive, bordering on scared.
Marmite. I've been a marmite lover all my life, but this salty spread has been my saviour these last few days. Whenever I've needed to eat something, yet not known what - out comes the marmite. A truly great comfort food.
Andy's Thought for the day:
I'll just say this: Don't be afraid to say something real today. Just one time, resist the flippant response and say something from the heart. You'll be glad you did.
Next nice thing:
Final Cut notwithstanding... I really just want to get better.
Pain: 99.9% - Maybe higher. Back to the screaming.
Other comments:
The word "premature" is haunting me a little. No, this is not some form of sexual revelation, my claims about being "back" and in the final stages of this malady are the subject matter. My foot continues to improve, but something ominous seems to be brewing in my leg. The bright redness and burning is back and the underlying pain is massive. It could still be something and nothing, but I'm worried. I want to be free.
In a random survey I have just conducted with 2,207 rsidents of North East England, covering a cross section of backgrounds an opinions, 100% of those who responded think that seeing a doctor might be a good idea. Is this a possibility? I know that your doctor experiences have been at beast dreadful, but is there some hope that the next one you see will be able to give you something that might make a nice happen? Failing that I have some placebos you're welcome to - they're very good if you're suggestible. I'm saving my 'real' comment for a telephone conversation, readers. I don't want you to think of me as humane.
Posted by: Jason | June 10, 2004 at 12:45 PM