My goodness, what a clever play on words.
Puerile wordsmithing apart, my present situation and this Blog raises it's own set of conundrums - or is it conundra? I really don't want to post again and again about how awful I'm feeling. It's not fun to read, and it's not fun to write. In many ways, I'd rather pull out of blogging altogether until I feel able to concentrate properly and say something which is more in the line of creative thinking and less in the line of some kind of morbid sickologue.
But then I think, if this is to be a representation of me and where I'm at I simply must be open and honest as to what is going on. So here I am, a fair way up a dead-end street wondering where I am going to go. I already fear that I am so far up myself that I am in danger of popping out of my own mouth, so I will risk wallowing further in order to say a few things.
1) I blame myself totally for being disabled in the way I am.
2) I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking I deserved what I have got.
3) I am doing what I can to improve myself, despite appearances.
4) I hate making a public exhibition of myself, my instinct is stay home where I am safe. I fight this.
5) I feel there are more important things which define me than physical size and illness. I am grateful that those who know me well see those things.
As for the present situation, I feel I have turned the corner and will get better from here on in. Our treatment system is working well. God bless colloidal silver. Also, God bless the person who asked me what the pain felt like - you know who you are. No-one has ever asked this before. It was difficult to reply adequately, but I appreciated the thought.
Good night for now. Sleep would be lovely.....ahhhh....sleeep....
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