The band were back at the Derwent Manor Hotel tonight, for a much different Gig. Instead of no audience at all, tonight we have over a hundered souls, and they seemed out to have a really good time.
The wine and beer was flowing freely, especially for the band who discovered, to their obvious delight that there was what is known as a "free bar" for band members. There was precious little tuning up or rehearsing done after this amazing fact had been discovered. Nevertheless, and to the band's credit, not many notes were missed due to alcohol. That I know of - but the monitors are not that good. Actually, come to think of it, the gig could have been wrecked by the demon drink.
Ah well - thankfully the audience were always ahead of us in those stakes at all times.
I was especially pleased because this was a special gig for the daughter of a very good friend of mine, Terry. Terry is a fine musician in his own right, and I am proud to call him a friend.
He does many impossible jobs around the house and studio, and for this I am eternally grateful. It was great to see his daughter get so happily married tonight. So Hip, Hip, Hurrah and flagons of wine all round.
The band themselves were in excellent form and I do believe we rocked the room in a not inconsiderable way. Judging by all the people up dancing, we didn't do much wrong. It was a pleasure to be part of it and to meet so many interesting people. It would be fun to list them all here, together with their quirks, but I shall resist. For now.
I sit here now, with aching limbs and a thumping headache. I believe this to be every band member's punishment for loving to play music. Thankfully, my wonderful wonderful wife helped me with the gear tonight. She is truly amazing, and I could not have done it without her. I'm not sure she completely realises what her support and assistance mean to me. I know, I'm tired and emotional - but what's so wrong with that? I do believe that all of us fail to sufficiently thank those who help us all the time. There's a challenge for you...
I now go for six hours rest, then it's up for church with the larks and out to North Sheilds. It really is all go some weekends.