It's dark, so hard to tell. Seemed fairly clear earlier when I was driving home.
Relieved to be home after playing at a gig I really shouldn't have.
Just so you know - still enjoying the Treo600 - It's hard to find much wrong with this phone, aside from the obvious lack of bluetooth. More than useful, it is an effortlessly pleasing piece of kit. I love it.
Why can't I be more famous? I mean, it would just make so much more sense. Helicopter rides into gigs and all the gear setup by fabulous road crew people. Yes, and hundreds of people at the gigs - all sincere fans. Surely someone can sort this out for me? Where is Jimmy Saville when one /really/ needs him?
Next nice thing:
Easter Day should actually be pretty good. Playing at church in the morning and then a lazy afternoon. Nice.
Worry about whether I should be doing less: 89%
Pain: 96% - pretty extreme.
Other comments:
I haven't forgotten the promised thoughts on the Passion of the Christ. I just haven't done it yet.
Have a great Easter. No, really.
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